Additional Gunsmith Services
Handgun Work
Action job, smooth and tune, single action revolver.....$100.00
Action job, smooth and tune, double action revolver.....$145.00
--(Above includes trigger job and setting pull to any reasonable weight. We do not recommend reducing hammer or trigger spring weight on guns to be used for police duty. Please specify when ordering. If gun required repair before tuning, extra charges will apply)
Alter Colt 45 auto to feed wadcutter ammo... $65.00
Alter S&W K-Frame square butt grip to round butt...$175.00
Ambidextrous safety install (labor only). $95.00
Barrel bushing fit/install (labor only).....$100.00
Barrel install, custom or non-factory....POR
Beavertail grip safety, fit and install (labor only) $125.00
Bo-mar sights install (sights extra).....$150.00 (add $40 for "Melded" look)
Chamfer revolver chamber (to make speed loaders work easier)..$100.00
Checker front of trigger guard....$100.00
Checker Front Strap By hand.....$325.00
Clean/oil handgun, safety/function test (repairs extra)..$60-$85
Cut/crown barrel, re-install sight (includes touch- up bluing)...$200 and up
De-horn sights & round corners to enter and exit holster easily....$100.00
Dovetail slide for Sight.....$85.00
Drill/tap for base............$100.00
Drill/tap for saddle-mounts......$160.00
Ejection port lowering, improve ejection on Colt 45 Auto...$150.00
Extended magazine release extend on Colt 45 auto (labor only)...$50.00
Extractors, fit/tune.....$65.00
Fiber Optic Conversion.......$75.00
Fit barrel, semi-auto (labor only).........$50-$200
Forcing cone reaming on revolver (to improve accuracy & reduce load buildup)..$60.00
Free-Spin Pawl, install (labor only).....$70.00
Glock Trigger Job w/overtravel (parts included).....$ 90.00
Magazine well beveling on Colt 45 auto (bluing extra).....$85.00
Night sights/fiber optics sight install..$40-75 (depending on model of gun)
Porting handgun - link to Porting page
RMR Sight installation, cut to slide....$225--$300
Sight install, front, S&W Style insert (labor only)....$75
--Colors available, White, Red, Orange, Green, Yellow
Slide serrations, machine charging, in front of slide.....$90--$150
Stipple Polymer Frames......$135-$200
Taurus Judge 45/410 Choke Tube Installation...$135 labor - click for more info
--Choke tube/wrench...$35 extra
Tighten slide to frame.....POR
Trigger Kit Installation for Striker-Fired Guns....(parts extra)....$ 65.00
Trigger Job, 4 1/2# (std. carry).....$135.00
Trigger Job, 3 1/2# (competitive use).....$195.00
NOTE: Above prices are for labor only. Contact our parts department for parts prices.
Additional Handgun Information
Experience: Our handgun specialists are graduates of Colorado School or Trades, Pine Tech, plus various courses such as the Colt and S&W factory armorers schools. In addition, they have many years of "On the Job" experience at Ahlman's. You can count on having your handgun work done properly and done right at Ahlman's.
Prices: Compare our prices with other shops doing comparable "High Quality" work.
You will find us difficult to beat.
Custom Work: Need a special alteration not listed above? Write to us and give a description of the work you'd like done. Chances are, we do it.
STORE HOURS: Mon - Sat 9:00 - 5:00
Additional Gunsmith Services
STORE HOURS: Mon - Sat 9:00 - 5:00
Additional Gunsmith Services
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